"Excuse me, ma'am." I heard a small voice say from behind me. I turned around to
see a beautiful little girl, around 6 years old, staring at me. She was sitting
in a booth in subway where we had just eaten lunch. "Would you like one of
these?" She handed me a torn piece of paper with a heart and a J on it, written
in blue marker.
"Why, I sure would! Is the J your initial? I wish I could draw hearts that
I learned her name was Jamie. She handed me another piece of paper with a heart
and a T on it (those were for the boys) to give to my brother who was behind me.
I asked her what the T stood for and she pointed to a man who had just walked
up, whom I assume was her grandfather, and introduced "Tom" with a grin.
I smiled and greeted Mr. Tom. He look so proud of this child; he couldn't wipe
the smile of his face. Then I turned back to Jamie, took her little hand into my
own, and said "It was so nice to meet you, Jamie. I'm Cary."
"Have a nice day, Cary!" She said with a big smile.
We walked out and got into our car when I thought, why didn't I share Christ
with them? I told my dad to wait as I dug through my purse and found a little
Samaritans purse track I have carried around forever. I ran back inside and
handed it to Jamie. I told her to read it with Mr. Tom later. I pointed out that there was a
little girl who was just like her on it; I told her that the little girl was loved like she was.
I turned to leave, again her little voice rang out, "bye Cary!!"
I spun around, flashed a smile, and went out to the car.
What is the moral to this story? It's the perfect picture of how we are supposed
to share Christ! He calls us to give everything we have to love others. Jamie
didn't have a whole lot but she still gave. She wanted to do something for
someone. I wonder how long it took her to make all those cards? You could tell
the fact that she made someone smile sent her over the moon. It made me think of
the woman in the Bible who gave a cent in the offering. Jesus said to his
disciples in Mark 12:43 “Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than
all the contributors to the treasury;" She didn't give near as much as the
others, but she gave all she had.
Are you giving it all you got? Or just enough to get by? Jesus knows the heart.
We need people who will dare to love recklessly! How are people supposed to know the love
of Christ if it is not modeled out for them? How can we expect people to
understand unconditional love if they've never revived it from any person
before? It's like saying "go, be filled and be warmed" with out giving them
clothes or food. It just doesn't make sense. 2013 is a new year to start fresh.
Let 2013 be known as the year God's people really loved their brothers and
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